Wednesday 26 September 2007

It's raining hacks and blogs.

To blog. I blog. I blogged. I have blogged. I, Mia, WILL blog, however much it goes against everything I stand for, live by and dream of.

Initially, the very prospect of having my deepest and darkest secrets exposed brashly on the Web was not only terrifying, but considerably narcissistic.

However, here at the University of Westminster encouraged, or perhaps forcibly coaxed by a tutor whose mantra is the unquestionable, indestructable "no blog, no job," I have taken heed of my father's somewhat more enlightening and considerably less frightening motto, "don't just do it, do it with a smile."

I guess, if I want to become a member of the "respectable journalists clan," then I shall just have to get my head down and type, type, type away. Can I hack it?

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